New Orleans Production Company – FilmShooter LLC

FilmShooter LLC is a New Orleans based film and video production services company with over twenty-five years of experience.
Nokia Debuts Action Thriller Flick Shot Entirely By Smartphone
Will the first generation of smartphone movies be studied in future film history classes along with the works of Eisenstein, Muybridge and Edison? Hmm … probably not, but its fun to speculate. It also fun to watch “The Commuter”, a mini action flick filmed entirely on an Nokia N8, complete with a Parkour-inspired chase sequence.
PSA Campaign Offers Help to New Orleans Small Business Owners

A series of Public Service Announcements I directed for GoodWork Network; the organization’s mission is to expand the local economy by building minority and women owned businesses.
What would Edison Say About Today’s HDSLR Video Rigs?

What would Thomas Alva Edison have to say about today’s tricked out, over-accessorized HDSLR video rigs?
DSLR Video, HD DSLR, HDSLR: What’s In a Name?

I’ve been wondering for a while about what to call the new generation of HD capable still cameras like the Canon 5D Mark ll, Nikon D9o, Panasonic GH1, etc. Are they HD DSLRs, DSLR Video cameras, HD SLR cameras, etc? Turns out I’m not the only one. Jared Abrams over at Cinema5D has settled on […]
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