Filmshooter Video Production Terms Poster Giveaway

Everyone loves a freebie, right? Especially when its a cool limited-edition Filmshooter poster, printed on heavy quality stock and ready for framing. The design is based on film and video production industry terminology, artfully arranged on a standard sized 24×36 poster. Right about now you’re thinking, “wow … that would look great hanging in my […]
Food Photography: Don’t Eat the Props!

Everyone knows that New Orleans is famous for it’s food. Lately I’ve been working on a Gulf seafood video project that offered a chance to shoot some of our favorite delicacies up close: crabs, oysters and shrimp to name a few. Most shooters will tell you that precise tabletop work can be tedious, hot and […]
America’s Answer … PRODUCTION!

What we need is a good old fashioned propaganda campaign. More production! Especially film and video production!
Time for Thanks
As many know and we have all heard, starting out in business on your own is both exciting and daunting on many levels. Earlier this year, after twenty-five years working in the industry, I opened my New Orleans production company, Filmshooter LLC. Even with almost three decades of film and video production experience, it sometimes […]
Pentagon 9/11 Memorial

Evening photo – The Pentagon Memorial is designed so that the nation may remember and reflect on the events that occurred on September 11, 2001.
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